Let's Talk Hidden Mickeys

    One of the fun things that I look forward to in this Blog is letting people know about all the fun things to experience in Walt Disney World that you may or may not already know about. Hidden Mickeys are just one of those fun things. 

    Our family did not start getting into Hidden Mickeys until 2018. The 1st thing that I did was purchase this book while we were at The Contemporary Resort in the gift shop...

I had heard about Hidden Mickeys before that but we had never tried to find any.  If you love scavenger hunts (like me), than this is something that can add more fun to any Disney visit or vacation! My little ones had so much fun trying to find Hidden Mickeys everywhere we went on Disney property. Be careful if you start doing this, you might find yourself finding Hidden Mickeys even after your vacation has ended in random things lol

So, here is the thing....Hidden Mickeys can be anywhere and everywhere on Disney property. They can be at the resorts, on the rides, in the park, in the gift shops, even in the parking lots! This book was a great find and a big help because it breaks them down into categories and locations so that you can be on the lookout. Keep in mind though that they are always adding more and here is another little tip (sometimes cast members know about ones that the book does not show). You also will have fun maybe finding some on your own along the way.  We have started to take pictures of all the Hidden Mickeys that we find and no matter how many times we go to Disney, we always come back with tons more photos to add to our collection.

Hidden Mickeys come big and small, they also can be very obvious or very very hard to find.

Here are some examples of ones that were pretty easy to spot...


And here are some Hidden Mickeys that are a little more difficult to spot...let's see how you do! Can you find them?

In the 1st picture the Hidden Mickeys are in the skirt (this one can be found in the famous mural designed by: Mary Blair at Disney's Contemporary Resort)

In the 2nd picture you can find the Hidden Mickey as a head of cabbage for the head and 2 tomatoes for the ears in the corner (this can be found while waiting in line for "The Many Adventures of Pooh" in the Magic Kingdom).

And in the 3rd picture there is a Hidden Mickey on the tush of the horse in the front, (If memory serves me correctly, I believe this one was in the Restaurant "Artist Point" at Disney's Wilderness Lodge Resort).

I could post many more, but I think the better thing to do would be for you to set out on an adventure to find your own!

So get to it!

Hey! Do not forget to share some of those with me after you are finished!!


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